Welcome to New Orleans Review's Submissions Manager! Below are our current calls for submissions for our digital issues. Please note: as of 2018, we no longer publish print issues.


We welcome submissions for our new art section. Please submit only one piece per submission fee. We accept visual art, video and sound (indicate genre when you submit in the field). Please include an artist bio and statement about the piece being submitted. Artists are welcome to submit more than once, but a submission fee is required for each piece submitted. All visual pieces are considered for our issue covers, for which we pay $500 for one time use. An honorarium of $100 will be given to any piece accepted for one of our issues. *Note: Please don't submit work that has appeared *as a cover* in another literary journal. We are not accepting submissions of AI generated art. 

We welcome submissions from Palestinian writers and artists (and diaspora) around the world at any career stage for our ongoing column of Palestinian voices, Songs of the Sunbirds. Our goal is to publish Palestinian perspectives on a rolling basis, and please know that we are not interested only in stories about suffering, but a variety of stories–whatever you want to submit. We don’t want to box any writers or artists in. There is no submission fee for this column, but there will be a submission cap so we can respond punctually. Please know that we will work very hard to respond quickly, and for the cap to remain open as much as possible. Include a short bio with your submission and state your genre, please!


Categories are as followed, and the honorarium is $300 per piece for prose (fiction and essays), $100 for other genres:


  1. Creative Nonfiction Essay (maximum 1500 words)
  2. Nonfiction, Opinion Piece (maximum 1500 words) 
  3. Poetry (please submit up to three poems at a time, in one document) 
  4. Art (please submit one image at a time)
  5. Video (please submit one at a time, under five minutes) 
  6. Letters (please provide as an image) 
  7. Video (please submit only one video at a time, and this would include videos of spoken word poetry) 
  8. Visual Essay (maximum five images and 1500 words--this category is for those writing essays that include images)
  9. Recipes (you may include one recipe per submission) 


If you’re writing fiction or longer creative nonfiction and/ or want to submit to our regular ongoing bi-annual issues with no fee, please do not submit here! This is for the column only! We are very excited to read your submissions, and even if they are not chosen for publication, they will receive great care.



We welcome submissions with no fee for writers who are refugees living anywhere in the world. Please upload your prose (less then 5,000 words) or poetry (up to three poems). Please include a short bio. 

We invite submissions from Palestinian writers living anywhere in the world with no submission fee for the foreseeable future. Please submit your poetry here. Submit up to three poems!

We invite submissions from Palestinian writers living anywhere in the world with no submission fee for the foreseeable future. Please submit your creative nonfiction here. Keep submissions to under 5,000 words, and you may include images if you'd like!

We invite submissions from Palestinian writers living anywhere in the world with no submission fee for the foreseeable future. Please submit your fiction here. Keep submissions to under 5,000 words!

In celebration of Disability Awareness Month, there are no submission fees for writers living with both visible and invisible disabilities for the month of March. Submit your Nonfiction here. 

In celebration of Disability Awareness Month, there are no submission fees for writers living with both visible and invisible disabilities for the month of March. Submit your Fiction here. 

In celebration of Disability Awareness Month, there are no submission fees for writers living with both visible and invisible disabilities for the month of March. Submit your Poetry here.


Submit up to five pages of poems. No previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $50 per poem. If your work is taken elsewhere, please use the “withdraw” function in our submissions manager.


Submit fiction pieces up to 5,000 words. Flash fiction welcome. No previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $175 per piece, regardless of length. If your work is taken elsewhere, please use the “withdraw” function in our submissions manager.


 Submit nonfiction pieces up to 5,000 words. Flash nonfiction welcome. No previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $175 per piece, regardless of length. If your work is taken elsewhere, please use the “withdraw” function in our submissions manager.


We are looking for reviews of books (all genres) forthcoming or published in the last year. All submissions will be considered for either/both. While we prefer reviews of books that haven't yet been released or are newly published, we also accept reviews of books that have been largely neglected (often publications from small/independent presses) in the past two or three years. Reviews should be between 500 and 1500 words. We publish book reviews both in digital issues and throughout the year.

  1.   Reviews should be between 500 and 1500 words.
  2.   Please follow MLA style and format: double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point type, numbered pages, block quotes for quotations longer than four lines, and in-text citations.
  3.   At the top of the first page include publication information: book title (subtitle if any), publisher and date of publication, price, and number of pages.
  4.   Please submit your review as a Word or rtf document.

  A good review should tell the reader what the book is about (without giving away the ending), whether or not the book is successful in its intent, and why the book should be read.

  When reviewing academic books, the reviewer should place the book in the context of the field, i.e., stating the book’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to other scholarly work in the field.

  The book review editor may make minor edits and/or may have substantial suggestions for changes.

  If the book has no redeeming features, please do not review it. Completely negative reviews are not very helpful or rewarding to read.


Please note in cover letter that you'd like a sample copy, specify specific issue if desired (only 38.1 and earlier available), and provide mailing address.


To receive a copy of a recent issue of New Orleans Review, please provide name and mailing address. Provide volume and number if you would like a specific back issue; available issues include only 38.1 or earlier.


Please attach your international mailing address.

New Orleans Review